Premier Horgan is said to be in good spirits following surgery

Premier Horgan is said to be in good spirits following surgery
Province of BC

When the NDP was sworn into office back in 2017, two key positions went to one of the most trusted colleagues of Premier Horgan, Carole James.

The pair were first elected together in 2005 as rookie MLA’s and when faced with a caucus revolt in 2010, then MLA John Horgan was one of the ones supporting NDP party leader Carole James.

Now in retirement, James is often a sounding board for the Premier when the two are out walking in James Bay.

“If we can get out and walk around the community. We can talk, I can listen. We can go for a walk. It’s a great opportunity.”

It’s during one of their walks together that the premier told James about the growth in his throat.

“That would have been a couple of weeks ago. And he just happened to mention, that he mentioned you know, he was here in James Bay. I’m just going for bloodwork. And he just said, I’m heading off to get bloodwork done. I’ve got a lump, and we’re just checking it to make sure things are fine.”

On Thursday morning, Oct. 28, the Premier held an impromptu news conference to publicly announce news regarding his health.

“A few months ago I felt a lump in my neck which lead to a visit to my doctor. And a series of tests over the past few weeks. These tests have revealed a growth in my throat that will require surgery tomorrow morning.”

James says having gone through cancer treatment herself, she understands why the premier spoke out.

“He could have waited until he got the results, and then told the public, but he wanted to be upfront, he wanted to be open and that’s really a good description of the premier,” James said.

The Premier’s office issued a statement Friday afternoon that the surgery was successful. The statement indicated that Horgan is in good spirits and recovering well and that further updates will be provided in the coming days.

James says the Premier told her he wants to get back to work as quickly as possible.

“He will be itching to get back to work. There is no question about it. I heard him say he hoped to be back Monday or Tuesday. My suggestion was he take a couple of days to rest up.”

James adds that she has no doubt he’ll be back to work as soon as he can.

WATCH: B.C. Premier John Horgan to undergo surgery after discovering growth in throat


Mary GriffinMary Griffin

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