Premier-designate John Horgan is quickly transitioning to power

Premier-designate John Horgan is quickly transitioning to power

WATCH: Hours after accepting the lieutenant-governor’s offer to form government, premier-designate John Horgan is quickly transitioning into power. He spoke with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau this morning and is now planning his cabinet, and his government’s agenda. Mary Griffin reports.


During Thursday’s non-confidence vote in the legislature, the toppling of the Liberal government came down to numbers.

They lost the vote 44 to 42.

NDP Leader John Horgan emerged from the chamber smiling, as he greeted reporters. When asked how he was feeling, Horgan replied, “really good, really good.”

Shortly after the confidence vote, Premier Christy Clark arrived at Government House to ask the Lt.-Gov. Judith Guichon to dissolve the legislature and call an election

“I did ask the Lieutenant Governor tonight for dissolution of the house. I offered my resignation, and asked for dissolution,” Clark said.

But Judith Guichon dismisses Clark and summoned John Horgan. “I was pleased to get the call. And anxious to have a discussion with the Lieutenant Governor,” said Horgan as he arrived at Government House.

“I was pleased to get the call. And anxious to have a discussion with the lieutenant-governor,” Horgan said as he arrived at Government House.

After 15 minutes, he came out from his meeting. “I’ve just spoken with the lieutenant-governor. And she asked me if I have the confidence of the legislature to form a government.
I assured her that I do,” Horgan said.

On Friday morning, the transition of government began.

Premier-designate John Horgan speaking with Christy Clark’s executive director of communications, Ben Chin.

University of Victoria political scientist Michael Prince says Horgan is getting up to speed quickly. “You got a real sense last night when he came out with his meeting with the lieutenant-governor, that he wants to hit the ground running today,” Prince said. 

Horgan said he’s ready to get to work.

“We’re getting briefings on a range of issues, finances, the state of healthcare,” Horgan said. “The softwood lumber agreement is critically important to our resource economy.  We want to get up to speed on that as quickly as possible.”

Sixten years of Liberal government translates into a steep learning curve for this NDP government, and its future cabinet ministers.

Former NDP Finance Minister Elizabeth Cull says it’s a critical time.

“Senior staff and the public service are incredibly important to your ability to deliver on any agenda. And you need to figure out who’s who.  And who is going to be able to talk to you straight?
And tell you what’s really going on,” Cull said. 

There’s lots to do before the first sitting of the NDP government which is expected to take place after Labour Day.

Mary GriffinMary Griffin

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