Police say new motorcycle club linked to Hells Angels has moved into Langford

Police say new motorcycle club linked to Hells Angels has moved into Langford

WATCH: Police say the Savages are operating out of the Spencer Road clubhouse in Langford and are associated with the Hells Angels. April Lawrence reports.

It was during group rides like one from Nanaimo to Victoria in April that British Columbia’s anti-gang unit started noticing there was a new club in town.

The Savages riding club is now operating out of the Spencer Road clubhouse in Langford ? a building previously used by the Devil’s Army.

Retired detective Brad Stephen spent 15 years investigating outlaw motorcycle gangs and says the Savages are a puppet club of the Nanaimo Hells Angels chapter.

“The purpose of the establishment of the Savages club is to maintain, reinforce, dig in the Nanaimo chapter Hells Angels presence in the southern Vancouver Island zone,” said Stephen.

He says puppet clubs are similar to farm teams in sports.

“It gives the Hells Angels to evaluate these members, to establish a trust relationship,” he said.

West Shore RCMP will only say that they’re aware of the Savages and that if they get wind of any criminal activity, they will respond accordingly.

According to B.C.’s Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit, there are seven confirmed members of the Savages operating out of Langford.

The clubhouse is close to a school and a daycare. Langford’s mayor says while there haven’t been any major problems there yet, he’s glad police are monitoring it.

“This is a family community and we want to make sure that if they are here that you know they abide by you know the rules like everybody else,” said Langford Mayor Stewart Young.

Organized crime experts say the community should keep an eye out for their patch and be aware the Savages are associated with an international criminal organization.

“They absolutely need to be aware what this Savages motorcycle club is about and what their purpose is, I would encourage them to support the police vigorously,” said Stephen.

April LawrenceApril Lawrence

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