Owl hitches ride on Greater Victoria library sculpture

Owl hitches ride on Greater Victoria library sculpture

Onlookers gathered at the downtown branch of the Greater Victoria Public Library on Saturday after an owl hitched a ride on the large sculpture in the library’s atrium.

The bird of prey was perched on the kinetic sculpture, which slowly moves every few minutes.

“I used to live in the country and I used to see them all the time,” one onlooker told CHEK News. “But it’s breathtaking when you see them, especially in the city.”

Many people were asking why the owl decided to visit, as they stopped and snapped photos.

“It was probably chasing something, probably a mouse or something and he came down in here ? that would be my guess,” one man said. “There would be no other reason she’d come in here.”

Oblivious to the excitement she was causing, the bird of prey was even seen preening herself as the sculpture slowly moved in circles.

A musician decided to drum for the owl, and those watching.

“The bird has completed several revolutions on the moving sculpture here,” drummer Peter Anderson said. “I noticed that the bird was actually moving, at certain points, moving in rhythm.”

The owl didn’t seem to mind the attention, and showed no signs of leaving his metal perch.

“I think what’s fascinating is being able to get close to one and not have it take off,” one of the onlookers said.






Julian KolsutJulian Kolsut

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