Orcas put on show off coast of Sooke as they hunt seals

Orcas put on show off coast of Sooke as they hunt seals
Courtesy Suzie Sevigny

A group of Bigg’s orcas put on an unbelievable show off the coast Sooke Friday afternoon.

The pod, believed to be T060s, were seen only about five to 10 feet away from people walking onshore near Whiffin Spit.

One onlooker told CHEK News that from her board, it looked like the entire pod was there and that the killer whales seemed to be hunting a harbour seal, thrashing their tails around in the air.

The onlooker also described seeing a bigger male orca separating himself from the pod, likely to do the work of rounding up the seal, with the smaller males and females eventually joining in.

RELATED: Humpback whale takes on a pod of transient killer whales



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