Oh deer! Nanaimo woman shares funny video of deer falling while leaping over fence

Oh deer! Nanaimo woman shares funny video of deer falling while leaping over fence

WATCH: A deer ran into a small problem while trying to leap over a backyard fence in Nanaimo.

A video of a deer falling while leaping over a backyard fence is getting quite a few chuckles after a Nanaimo woman posted it online.

Natasha Mickey, who lives in the Hammond Bay-Rutherford area, said she was getting ready to go out for a coffee at around 9:30 a.m. when she heard a noise in the backyard.

“I opened my door and I see a deer!” Mickey said.

Mickey said she was shocked because she had never seen a deer in her backyard. She then ran to get her shoes on so she could go outside.

“It was just looking around where to go to get out of the garden,” Mickey said.

“It tried to hop over the fence and went wrong.”

After the deer’s hard landing over the two-metre fence, Mickey went to look for the animal.

“Its legs were high in the air so I ran to take a peek over and it wasn’t there, so I assume it got away safely and is hopefully not injured,” Mickey said.

She thinks that the deer got into the yard through a small open area in the back to eat some vegetables in the garden. There are deer that wander around the area or the side of the road but Mickey said they are not usually seen in people’s enclosed backyards.

“I was both scared and shocked. I was more scared that the deer was going to attack me but it kind of took the other way and was probably more startled and scared of me,” Mickey said.

A Nanaimo woman captured a video of a deer stumbling while trying to leap over her backyard fence. (Natasha Mickey).

Alexa HuffmanAlexa Huffman

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