Missing Langford cat found in Surrey

Missing Langford cat found in Surrey

WATCH: A Langford pet owner was shocked when she received a text from a stranger telling her that her cat was found in a cupboard in Surrey. Isabelle Raghem reports.

A Langford pet owner had a mystery on her hands this past weekend. Her cat vanished from her home in Langford Saturday but was found in Surrey Monday.

Duchess has been a part of the Wright family ever since she was taken home as a kitten three years ago.

Her owner, Caitlyn Wright, said she wasn’t too worried when Duchess didn’t come home after being let out on the weekend because she has a habit of taking her time coming back.

But Sunday night, she received an unexpected text from a stranger saying her cat was at her home in Surrey.

“I thought it was joke, I thought it was a scam,” Wright said.

The woman texting said Duchess was found inside a trailer, locked up in a cupboard. The Good Samaritan told Wright she realized something was wrong when she saw a Vancouver Island phone number on the cat’s collar.

“I’m really thankful that she found her, and not some weird whack job that stole her,” Wright said, “I don’t know why anyone would take it upon himself to take a cat who has a collar. [He] probably saw that collar and to just take it, it doesn’t make any sense to me.”

Duchess took a ferry back to the Island Monday evening and is now back home in Langford.

Her owner said she may never know exactly how her beloved cat got to Surrey and who took her, but Wright added that she is just glad to have family back together.

Isabelle RaghemIsabelle Raghem

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