Manhunt for Port Alberni teens in the international spotlight

Manhunt for Port Alberni teens in the international spotlight
WatchThe massive manhunt for two Port Alberni teens suspected of killing three people is making international headlines. Tess van Straaten takes a look.

The massive manhunt for two Port Alberni teens is making international headlines.

The teens, 19-year-old Kam McLeod and 18-year-old Bryer Schmegelsky, are the prime suspects in the deaths of three people in northern B.C. including an Australian tourist and his American girlfriend.

As a result, the case is dominating news cycles in the United States and Australia.

International media descended on Manitoba Wednesday morning, where the teens were last spotted, to follow the latest on this bizarre case.

ABC News has also sent an investigative reporter to Port Alberni to try and dig up information.

A reporter from Australia’s Channel 9 News arrived in B.C. on Friday and followed the story to Manitoba.

Given that Australian tourist Lucas Fowler is one of the victims, Alexis Daish says the case is really hitting close to home and shocking people in Australia.

“There are so many Australians that travel around Canada, it’s such a popular tourist destination for Australians, so I think in that regard this will really disturb Australians that come here travelling because it is very popular back home,” explains Daish.

“Everyone back home gets that relatable, ‘oh my goodness that could have been us on our trip to Canada’ feeling. That’s where it really grabs people.”

With the teens still at large, it’s not clear where the case will go next.

For now, Daish says she plans to hunker down in Winnipeg and wait for new developments on a story that is in the international spotlight.

Tess van StraatenTess van Straaten

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