Man convicted of sexually assaulting UVic students sentenced to eight years

Man convicted of sexually assaulting UVic students sentenced to eight years

A man found guilty of breaking into a Saanich apartment and sexually assaulting two women more than two years ago has been handed an eight-year prison term.

Forty-four-year-old David Robert Hope was sentenced on Friday. He was found guilty last month of seven charges against him including break and enter, unlawful confinement or imprisonment, two counts of sexual assault and two counts of robbery.

Court heard that on Jan. 27, 2016, Hope broke into a Church Street apartment, then attacked and sexually assaulted two UVic international students.

The Crown said Hope then went with the students to two banks. They withdrew cash at the Scotiabank in Shelbourne Plaza and gave Hope the money. He then left, returned to his car and drove back to Duncan.

Hope was arrested in Saskatchewan in April 2016.  Court was told on Jan. 28, he started searching online for ?Greater Victoria Crime Stoppers,? ?Most Wanted? and local news sites.

The Crown had asked for a sentence of seven to 10 years while the defence suggested four to five years.

Hope spent time in custody during the court process so he has a little more than five years left to serve.


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