Langford mother of eight says lack of housing for big families could leave hers homeless

Langford mother of eight says lack of housing for big families could leave hers homeless

WATCH: A Langford mother of eight is worried her family could soon be homeless. The place she’s been renting is going to be sold, and so far, she’s had no luck finding another home. Luisa Alvarez spoke with her today.


“I’m kind of losing faith truth be told but I’m trying to keep it up there for my kids,” said Samantha Asak a single mother to eight kids.

Asak held back tears as she went through the pile of rejected applications shes sent out trying to find a place to rent.

“Its heartbreaking,” said Asak.

Asak is a single mother with eight children ranging from 14 years old down to four months. She’s lived in her Langford five-bedroom house for over a year.

It took her nearly 2.5 years to find this home, but she was told back in January by the homeowner that the house is being sold.

“I want my kids to know that I’m mom I make sure that they have a house over their heads food in the cupboards but it is stress full,” said Asak.

Asak has been on the hunt for the past eight months viewing as many as six sometimes even more places a day.

But once they hear how many kids she has nobody will rent to her. She says, not even low-income housing has big enough homes for her family.

” Excuse after excuse I’m hearing from different people, zoning laws, no more than two people per room even if its a four bedroom house or the house is too small it’s not big enough for you,” said Asak.

Asak is severely anemic and is currently undergoing more testing to figure out other health issues so she is unable to work and relies on social assistance.

But she says she pays her rent on time and has good references from both current and past landlords.

“I could afford up to twenty-six- hundred but if there are utilities included I could afford more,” said Asak.

Regardless, she says it always comes down to the size of her family.

“I’m hoping that people realize that there are families that are bigger than what people say normal families are with just two kids. I didn’t ask for eight kids I was blessed with eight kids.  I was told when I was younger I wasn’t able to have kids,” said Asak.

Now the deadline is looming as they have to move out of their house by August 15th and they’re no closer to finding a place to go.

“Worst comes to worst then all our stuff goes into storage and I rent a hotel until the first and then pray and hope that we get a place. But I want my kids to have a house, a roof over their head not living in a hotel out of a bag,” said Asak.

Luisa AlvarezLuisa Alvarez

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