‘It’s always been the two of us’: Mother/daughter travel cross-country in pursuit of swimming dream in Victoria

'It's always been the two of us': Mother/daughter travel cross-country in pursuit of swimming dream in Victoria
WatchMany athletes will relocate their lives chasing the Olympic dream, but for one mother-daughter pairing now living in Victoria, it's been all about the journey.

If you asked both Jade and Tracy Hannah about their decision to leave their safe and comfortable life in Halifax behind, you’d receive a similar answer.

“It really took a sacrifice, but honestly I would do it again in a heartbeat”, said daughter Jade.

Her mother, Tracy, rings a similar tune. “A lot of doors have opened during the journey and I wouldn’t change any of that”.

It’s a journey that saw the Hannah’s downsize from a two-acre property to a humble apartment and just two suitcases each. A sacrifice made solely for the pursuit of an elite Victoria-based Swimming Canada program for then 14-year-old Jade.

The first six months were an uphill battle. Tracy had no job lined up and the two, along with their dog Chestnut, lived in a hotel for six months.

Meanwhile, Jade started to see progress in the pool.

“She moved here as a kid and was pretty naive to how good she was at the time”, said her High Performance Coach Brad Dingey, “She’s certainly started to grow up a lot”.

Three years into the move, Jade is now a World Junior Champion and Tracy is fully employed with the BC Government. Amidst the cross-Canada adventure, their mother/daughter bond has become unbreakable.

“Without her, I would not be where I am.” Jade continues, “She’s been my rock through everything and I know she’s always there to have my back.”

“She’s a great kid and she gives everything her all and you can’t help but support her in whatever she wants to do.”

Tracy continues to beam with pride, “I’m just happy to be on the journey with her”.

Jade Hannah hopes to represent Canada one day at the Olympic Games.

Kevin CharachKevin Charach

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