Is your car maintenance up to date? Saving money on gas starts with your vehicle, says experts

Is your car maintenance up to date? Saving money on gas starts with your vehicle, says experts

WATCH: Saving money while we are forced to pay some of the highest prices for fuel in North America actually starts with your car, according to experts. As Luisa Alvarez reports it’s about making sure your car is getting the most out of the gas you put in it.

Driving your vehicle is now more expensive than it has ever been. Prices soared Thursday to a record-breaking 164.9 cents per litre in Greater Victoria.

And if you need to drive, those are prices you have no choice but to pay. But experts say there are things you can do to save a little cash or get rewards.

Drivers can start by getting the most out of your credit. Some point cards offer savings or other perks.

For example, at Petro Canada station, if you link a Petro Points card with any eligible RBC credit card, you instantly save three cents per litre at the pump.

And getting the most out of the gas you do buy can start with lightening the load.

“We get worse fuel mileage when we pack extra weight, so if you have extra things in your trunk, let’s get them out of there. Let’s get rid of the racks on the roof if you’re not using them. Ski season is over. Let’s not have them on the car,” says Allen English, a technician with Progressive Auto Repair and Maintenance in Victoria.

Also make sure your car gets proper maintenance.

“A properly maintained vehicle is a fuel-efficient vehicle,” English said.

Another tip is checking tires to make sure they have the proper air pressure. More drag can mean more fuel burning.

“We want to make sure we have the right tire pressure,” English added.

“We are going to find that on the tire plaque art. It’s on the driver’s side door on most vehicles. Engineers spend a lot of time researching fuel milage we want to make sure we go off their recommendation and not our own preconceived notions.”

And it always helps to shop around. Some stations may have slightly cheaper gas. Websites like can help with the search.

Luisa AlvarezLuisa Alvarez

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