Increased Victoria parking fines take effect June 1

Increased Victoria parking fines take effect June 1

Increased parking fines in Victoria have passed the final hurdle, meaning overstaying in a parking space will cost more starting on June 1.

After June 1, parking fines will rise to the following:

  • In metered and time-limited zones: $60, or $30 for payment within 14 days (currently set at $40 or $20 for early payment)
  • Residential zone or no stopping zones: $80, or $40 for payment within 14 days (currently set at $60 or $30 for early payment)
  • Commercial zones: $80, or $50 for payment within 14 days (currently $60 or $30 for early payment)

Additionally, the fees for street occupancy permits will be increasing:

  • The public works service fee will be set at $50 per visit
  • Sidewalk occupancy will cost $20 per 13 m² (currently $10 per day)
  • Boulevard occupancy is $10 per 13 m² per day (there is no current specific fee)
  • Lane closure fees, which are currently $25 per day regardless of road type, will be set at
    • $50 per lane per day for local roads
    • $75 per lane per day for collector roads
    • $100 per lane per day for downtown or secondary arterial roads
    • $250 per lane per day for arterial
    • $100 per lane per day for AAA bike lanes

The fine increases come one year after the city increased the fees for parking on Victoria streets, as well as expanding what hours pay parking is in effect.

Pay parking used to be in effect from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday, then in 2023, it was increased to 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily.

READ PREVIOUS: Victoria to consider expanding paid parking hours to invest in downtown

At the same time last year, the cost of parking increased 50 cents an hour for on-street and city-owned parkades.

READ PREVIOUS: Victoria council seeks to offset looming tax increase with parking fee hike

Laura BroughamLaura Brougham

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