Former police reservist sentenced in historic sexual abuse case

Former police reservist sentenced in historic sexual abuse case

Former police reservist Aaron Plater was sentenced today for sexually abusing a 15-year-old in a historic case that took place 27 years ago.

He served as a reservist in both the Victoria, and Saanich Police departments.

His victim, only 15 at the time of the abuse, looked up to him as a mentor in the police cadet program.

Now a 42-year-old father of two, his voice shook as he read his victim impact statement in court.

He told the court, “It’s not my fault. I didn’t do anything wrong. I did not ask for this.”

He went on to say, “I’ll have to deal with this for the rest of my life, and I hate you for that.”

Special Prosecutor Kris Pechet said the victim suffered for years as a result of the abuse.

“You could hear the emotion in the victim’s voice. As I mentioned, it’s like throwing a pebble into water, the ripple effects go for a considerable period in all directions. That’s certainly been the case for the victim in terms of his family, in terms of his marriage, in terms of his children,” Pechet said.

Now 53-years-old, Plater volunteered for three decades at a number of organizations.

But when he was charged in 2021 with one count of touching a young person for a sexual purpose, Plater lost his job as an executive director working in the Attorney General’s ministry.

“In terms of the consequences for both parties. Yes. One suffered earlier. And now Mr. Plater is suffering by virtue of the allegations, and the conviction,” Pechet said.

Provincial Court Judge Karina Sacca sentenced Plater to six months probation.

The first three months will be served under house arrest, only ever leaving to work at his job driving for a bakery, or to get groceries.

Then he’ll serve 12 months probation.

Sacca called the case terribly sad for everyone involved and said the stigma will follow Plater for the rest of his life.

In addition to probation, Plater will also pay the victim more than 16 thousand dollars in compensation for counselling.

READ MORE: Saanich Police investigating report of sexual assault on UVic campus


Mary GriffinMary Griffin

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