Former badminton coach Harry Sadd sentenced to 8 years for sex assaults

Former badminton coach Harry Sadd sentenced to 8 years for sex assaults
Harry Sadd leaves the Victoria Courthouse on Feb. 18, 2020.

WARNING: This story contains graphic details that may be disturbing to some readers. 

Former youth badminton coach and Knights of Columbus member Harry Sadd, who pleaded guilty to historic sexual assaults to young boys, has been sentenced to eight years in prison.

The assaults date back to the ’70s and ’80s in Victoria and Esquimalt. Court was told he orally and anally assaulted several boys — some hundreds of times.

The sentencing is the end of a long and painful legal journey for one of the survivors, who for the first time spoke out today.

“I’ve flown out here twice in the last two weeks to see that guy get the cuffs on that was our goal the whole time. He deserves to be where he is,” he said.

“The reason I came forward was to not let this happen to somebody else… I was a normal kid and it happened to me… it happened to my friend.”

Sadd, who is now 73 years old, pleaded guilty to eight counts of sexual assault involving boys between the ages of nine and 15 in June 2019. 

The Crown was asking for at least 10 years but the defence argued there were mitigating factors, including Sadd’s age.

A psych report found 73-year-old Sadd doesn’t view his behaviour as criminal or wrong and doesn’t think his victims were negatively impacted by the assaults.

The judge said he would have sentenced Sadd to at least 25 years, but his age, the length of time since his last offence, and the guilty plea are all mitigating factors.

Four of Sadd’s victims were in court today, and there was a lot of emotion as the sentence was handed down. For them, Sadd’s lack of remorse is another blow.

“That was pretty sickening, the lack of remorse… I don’t know how I’m going to get through this, but I plan on actually not talking about this tomorrow,” one victim said.

Special Victim’s Unit investigators believe there may be other victims of Sadd still out there, and they’re hopeful the men who have come forward will inspire others.

“It is awful for us but just looking at their bravery and willingness to come forward and help us with the investigation, I think that’s what we need to hang onto,” said Sgt. Jan Malinosky of Victoria’s Police Special Victim’s Unit back in February.

The survivor who spoke out was abused for six years. He hopes his pain will prevent something like this from happening again.

“I saved a kid today, I don’t know what kid I saved, but I saved a kid today. I really did,” he said.

With time served, Sadd will now serve six years and eight months.


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