FBI assisting with Lindsay Buziak murder case 13 years after her brutal killing

FBI assisting with Lindsay Buziak murder case 13 years after her brutal killing
WatchWith help from the FBI, a special task force is using new technology to try and solve the murder of Lindsay Buziak. Tess van Straaten reports.

Thirteen years after Lindsay Buziak was brutally stabbed to death in a Gordon Head home, a new task force is actively investigating the real estate agent’s murder and it’s been consulting with the FBI for the past year.

“The task force has obtained the assistance from the FBI and continued support from the RCMP,” Const. Markus Anastasiades said in a pre-recorded video statement. “Both agencies have provided valuable assistance in the development of new leads and forensic evidence.”

Saanich Police made the news public in the scripted — and at times cryptic — video posted to YouTube late Sunday night.

“We believe people familiar with the circumstances surrounding this case remain in our community,” Anastasiades said, reading from a teleprompter.

“It is sometimes the case that people who may have knowledge initially do not come forward due to their close relationships with those who may be involved or out of concern for their reputation. We recognize relationships change over time, as do people and their perspectives. It is not too late to come forward.”

Police say they’re now re-testing evidence and utilizing technology that wasn’t available in 2008.

“Advancements in fields such as genealogy and DNA analysis has led to the resolution in many other cases,” Anastasiades said.

Investigators are tight-lipped on the details and Lindsay’s father is questioning the timing of the video.

“Murder day is coming up tomorrow and they are not looking good at all in the public’s eye so I think Saanich police have to do something to try and save face,” Jeff Buziak told CHEK News.

Buziak says the only thing that matters is bringing the killers to justice.

“It’s really nice to see their nice PR video but what I really want to see are arrests and charges — that’s what really counts after 13 years of killers walking in the community,” he says.

Police say they’re working on it, but have to be extra careful in such a high-profile case.

“Several details of this investigation are very sensitive in nature and could comprise nature of the investigation,” Anastasiades told CHEK News Monday.

Jeff will walk in Lindsay’s honour on Tuesday, like he does every year on the grim anniversary of her death, holding out hope the case will finally be solved.

[email protected]

Tess van StraatenTess van Straaten

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