Family of girl left for dead behind Duncan motel in 2023 pushes for answers

Family of girl left for dead behind Duncan motel in 2023 pushes for answers

Carsyn Seaweed will forever be 15. She died May 15, 2023, after she was found behind a motel on the 5300-block of the Trans Canada Highway just south of Duncan, covered in branches, cardboard and dirt, and barely conscious.

On Wednesday, the anniversary of her death, her family gathered at Hulitan Community Centre longhouse in Langford.

“The grief hasn’t lightened since that day, it still feels so heavy,” said Marie Seaweed, Carsyn’s mom, who is from the ʼNa̱mǥis First Nation.

RCMP tell CHEK News the criminal investigation into her death is active and ongoing.

“They told me they’ve just received back 15 units of testing that they sent out last year,” said Marie.

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The update follows a public police miscommunication that led to a community uproar. Despite being found under suspicious circumstances, a week after her death RCMP told media that criminality had been ruled out.

Then, 24 hours later, RCMP turned the statement around.

“The investigation was never closed whatsoever. That’s a miscommunication and I apologize for that,” said Insp. Chris Bear with the North Cowichan/Duncan RCMP on May 23, 2023.


This Mother’s Day, a soccer tournament was held in Carsyn’s honour. It’s the sport she loved most, and how she spent her last moments with her mom.

“I always hope wherever she is, she knows she’s loved and we tried everything, that we fought for her and we’re continuing to fight for her,” said Marie through tears. “Watching people get their teenagers ready for graduation, I won’t get to do that for her.”

Carsyn would have been 16 years old this year. Instead of learning to drive, the fearless girl with a mind of her own is one of thousands of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women in Canada.

Her family gathered Wednesday to continue to push for answers for their own closure, but also to protect future generations of Indigenous women.

“To make sure this doesn’t happen to anyone else,” said Marie.

Marie Seaweed is pictured.

Kori SidawayKori Sidaway

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