Experience life in the Canadian Armed Forces in Victoria this Saturday

Experience life in the Canadian Armed Forces in Victoria this Saturday

WATCH: Explore the many careers available in the Canadian Armed Forces. Ceilidh Millar reports. 

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to serve in the Canadian Armed Forces?

Islanders will have a chance to experience life as a solider, sailor or aviator at an open house and recruitment event at the Bay Street Armoury in Victoria this Saturday.

“People need to see it and they need the hands-on experience,” said Sgt. Gareth Elias.

“People wonder what we eat, what weapons we use, what our fitness test looks like and they have no idea until they try it.”

Elias says there are more than 100 different positions in the military, navy and air force.

“We have a uniformed version of most civilian operations” explained Sgt. Elias.

“Canada is a very big country with a very big coastline,” said Sgt. David Coull.

“It has international responsibilities and needs an armed forces to look after those responsibilities at home and abroad.”

Members of the media had the opportunity to test their skills at an interactive event Thursday ahead of Saturday’s event.

Activities included sampling military rations, putting on combat gear and target practice on a fully electronic shooting range.

CHEK News reporter Ceilidh Millar attempted the Forces’ physical fitness test.

“The four different aspects of the test are designed to simulate the sorts of activities that you would do while you’re on active service,” Sgt. Coull explained.

One of the four scenarios included the sandbag drag, where participants pulled 220 pounds for 20 metres to simulate dragging a casualty.

“I wasn’t sure if I could make it through the last round, but I have a lot of respect for people who train and do this every day because it is very hard,” CHEK News’ Ceilidh Millar said.

In addition to the interactive component, soldiers will also be on hand Saturday to answer questions about life in the military.

“The reasons we enjoy the freedoms we do is because of the sacrifices that Canadian men and women have made over the past 100 years” Sgt. Coull explained.

The open house runs this Saturday at the Bay Street Armoury in Victoria from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Ceilidh MillarCeilidh Millar

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