Elections BC has received nearly 160,000 ballots from Vancouver Island ridings

Elections BC has received nearly 160,000 ballots from Vancouver Island ridings
File/CHEK News
As of Wednesday, Elections BC says it has received an estimated 662,236 certification envelopes containing either mail-in and other absentee ballots, with 159,173 of them coming from Vancouver Island ridings. 

Nearly 160,000 mail-in and other absentee ballots were cast in ridings on Vancouver Island.

Elections BC says it is ready to begin the final count mail-in and other absentee ballots from the recent provincial election, with the final count beginning on Nov. 6 and lasting approximately three days.

As of Wednesday, Elections BC says it has received an estimated 662,236 certification envelopes containing either mail-in and other absentee ballots, with 159,173 of them coming from Vancouver Island ridings.

“There are several different types of absentee ballots that are counted at final count, including ballots cast at district electoral offices and ballots cast outside the voter’s electoral district of residence,” Elections BC said in a press release.

However, Elections BC says the figures are not the final number of absentee and mail-in ballots that will be counted in each district.

On Vancouver Island, the ridings with the highest estimated numbers of mail-in or absentee ballots were Victoria-Beacon Hill (16,696 ballots), Saanich North and the Islands (14,686 ballots), Oak Bay-Gordon Head (14,579 ballots), and Parksville-Qualicum (13,306 ballots).

The majority of ridings on Vancouver Island had more than 10,000 mail-in or absentee ballots cast, according to data provided by Elections BC.

Elections BC says although certification envelopes have been received, it doesn’t mean all of them will be counted because some certification envelopes could contain no ballot or more than one marked ballot. In those cases, those ballots will be set aside and not considered.

Number of certification envelopes containing mail-in or other absentee ballots received by Elections BC as of Nov. 4.

Courtenay-Comox: 11,512
Cowichan Valley: 10,425
Esquimalt-Metchosin: 10,548
Langford-Juan de Fuca: 10,034
Mid Island-Pacific Rim: 6,682
Nanaimo: 10,503
Nanaimo-North Cowichan: 8,979
North Island: 7,069
Oak Bay-Gordon Head: 14,579
Parksville-Qualicum: 13,306
Saanich North and the Islands: 14,686
Saanich South: 12,780
Victoria-Beacon Hill: 16,696
Victoria-Swan Lake: 11,374

The approximate number of certification envelopes containing absentee ballots for each electoral district is available here: https://elections.bc.ca/docs/progress-report-certification-envelopes-received-by-ED.pdf

Source: Elections BC


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