Decision on Missing Middle Housing Plan adjourned by Victoria city council to next week

Decision on Missing Middle Housing Plan adjourned by Victoria city council to next week

It’s a change that would effectively rezone all single-family properties to allow more types of housing to be built, with less red tape.

The second part of the controversial Missing Middle Housing Initiative public hearing took place on Thursday, to allow council to hear from the public about the proposed changes.

And as of Friday, the debate continued with a decision now adjourned to next week. In a series of public hearings, the debate was dramatic with speakers relatively split.

“It hurts. It really hurts to just be told to move somewhere else because it’s cheaper. It hurts to just be told to leave our friends, our families, and our communities, and to just give up on this city, in no small part, because we are still reserving most of our land for a housing form that only a wealthy minority can afford anymore,” said one speaker Thursday night.

“The missing middle plan will create irreversible changes. It takes decades to replace or remove housing inventory if it can be done at all. This city is blessed with some beautiful, century-old neighbourhoods, and with the stroke of a pen, this council seeks to transform them,” said another.

In total, during the three days of public hearings (not including written submissions), there were 145 speakers, with 76 in favour and 69 against.

Some of the submissions were from council hopefuls who took advantage of the opportunity to show their position. Seven voiced their opposition at the public hearings, while six voiced their support.


  • Stephen Hammond
  • Jason Jones (Viva Victoria Slate)
  • Jeremy Maddock (Viva Victoria Slate)
  • Sandy Jazen (Viva Victoria Slate)
  • Marg Gardiner
  • Steve Orcherton
  • Jordan Quitzau

In favour:

  • Jeremy Caradonna
  • Dave Thompson
  • Khadoni Pitt Chambers
  • Anna King
  • Tony Yacowar
  • Matt Dell

The Missing Middle Housing Initiative is a proposal to effectively rezone all single-family zoned properties to allow more types of housing to be built without requiring developments to go through a rezoning process.

With the current zoning, if someone wanted to build a duplex or townhouses on a lot zoned for single-family homes, the person would have to go through a rezoning process, which takes six to eight months, according to the City of Victoria.

Victoria’s current council will have their say on Sept. 8 beginning at 10:30 a.m., when they are set to make their decision.

Kori SidawayKori Sidaway

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