Controversial gypsy moth spraying returns to Vancouver Island

Controversial gypsy moth spraying returns to Vancouver Island

WATCH: A controversial aerial spraying program to eradicate gypsy moths is returning to Vancouver Island.

The spraying is being done to eradicate invasive gypsy moths from around Elk Lake and Bear Hill Regional Park.

Island health officials say while the spray kills the moth its virtually harmless to humans. 

The spraying is controversial because it involves BTK, but it’s been approved in Canada since 1961 and health officials say it’s safe for humans, animals, birds, fish and inspects.

The spraying will be done by a low-flying plane and the Ministry of Forests says three separate treatments will be needed this spring.

The first is set to happen on Monday, weather permitting.

People who want to minimize their exposure are advised to stay indoors for at least 60 minutes. 

The spraying will start shortly after sunrise and be completed by 7:30 in the morning. 

The ministry is hoping to have the spraying done by early June. 

For the latest on spraying times, there’s a toll free number you can call:


Isabelle RaghemIsabelle Raghem

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