Commuting from the West Shore: Why some say it’s worth it

Commuting from the West Shore: Why some say it's worth it
WatchKnown as the Colwood crawl, cars in the morning and after the work day are bumper to bumper. Luisa Alvarez caught up with some commuters to find out how they make it work, and why they say it's only a small price to pay to live in the West shore.

It’s an early morning start for the Capistrano family.

“Usually starts at about 5:30 5:45,” said Bryan Capistrano.

They live in Langford but because he works and his kids go to school in work in Victoria, they have to take into account the long morning commute.

So it’s a quick bite to eat and out the door in a hurry.

“If we are out of the door by 7:45 a.m., then we are at their school by about 8:30 a.m.,” said Capistrano.

When it comes to commuting in and out of the West Shore, those who live there will tell you its bumper-to-bumper traffic is the biggest headache.

“When you’re in a rush it feels like maybe the world is against you,” said Capistrano.

Cassandra McClarnon who has been living in the West Shore and commuting into downtown Victoria for ten years will also tell you it’s a struggle.

“It can be very frustrating at times because there is so much traffic,” said McClarnon.

But then you’ll also hear it’s worth it.

“The amount of space we get out here in the West Shore for the kids they have a backyard now and we just love the community right we love living out here,” said Capistrano.

“It’s grown so much with facilities to be able to access and shopping centers to access. I just like that it makes me feel like it’s farther from town it’s just a nice area to live in and it’s changed and grown so much so I don’t feel like I’m too far from anything,” said McClarnon.

There is some hope for down the road one example is the Mackenzie Interchange project that’s expected to alleviate some of the congestion but even with that, many say it’s not enough to keep up with the growth and development in the West Shore.

“We are going to have this highway finished and then we are going to be in a spot where we are going to have to start all over again,” said McClarnon.

They say what’s needed is multiple solutions.

“Like passenger trains and bringing that back I think that would definitely help,” said McClarnon.

Others say another solution is companies moving their offices into the West Shore. Langford Mayor Stew Young has not been shy about endorsing both ideas.

But for now, sitting in traffic is a price the Capistrano family and many others like them are willing to pay for the comfort and affordability of the West Shore.

Luisa AlvarezLuisa Alvarez

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