Colwood pub building offered up for free by developer

Colwood pub building offered up for free by developer

The building housing the old Colwood pub has been offered up for free by developer Onni Group. The only issue is whoever takes it must pay to move it elsewhere. Calvin To reports.

Developer Onni Group is offering the old Colwood pub building to anyone who wants it, as long as they pay to move it elsewhere.

The Tudor-style building, built in 1936, housed the Colwood pub and later Cross Roads Bar and Grill.

It is set to be demolished if it is not moved by Oct. 15.

The company wants applications from interested parties submitted by Sept. 30. It needs to be moved to make way for a new mixed-use development in the area.

Experts say it could cost up to $100,000 to move it, and that it can only be moved a few blocks before costs become prohibitive.

“Because of the value of the property within the location, it’s probably unlikely that someone’s going to come forward,” said Jim Connelly from Nickel Bros. House Moving. “If they did, we’d certainly look at right away.”

Metchosin resident Byron Propp remembers fondly his time spent at the pub. 

“I went there [in the] early 70’s,” Propp said. “It was a great place to go, all my friends went there.”

According to Propp, the pub at one point did not offer any food, only beer.

It also had separate entrances for men and women.

Propp says he would like to see the building preserved.

“It was fantastic. I really miss it,” he said. “I really missed it when they closed it down.”

Calvin ToCalvin To

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