Close encounter with a cougar in Campbell River caught on camera

Close encounter with a cougar in Campbell River caught on camera
Tracy Bruce
WatchClose encounter with a cougar in Campbell River caught on camera

A close encounter with a cougar was caught on video in Campbell River.

The images were posted to Facebook by Tracy Bruce.

Bruce says she was out walking her dogs, Charlie and Goldie, on a huge tract of land called the Snowden Demonstration Forest on Saturday.

She says she was under a tree, squatting to get a perfect picture of some ducks in a nearby Moss Lake, when the dogs started barking.

Bruce stood up and that’s when she saw the cougar in the lowest branch of the tree, just five-feet away.

“I could almost reach out and touch it,” she said.

The dogs kept barking and the big cat started climbing further up the tree.

Bruce says she was about 2-kilometers from the parking lot and had to go back under the tree to get back to her vehicle.

“We backed out and got out there, but one of my dogs, Charlie, went back.”

Bruce says she was worried that was the last she was going to see of him, but he came back and she and the dogs started running and made it safely back to her truck.

She respects the fact that they were guests on the cougar’s turf, an animal she says was even more majestic up close, she’s just happy no harm was done.



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