CHEK Upside: Victoria woman attempting 5 marathons in 5 days for charity

CHEK Upside: Victoria woman attempting 5 marathons in 5 days for charity
WatchTracy Marshall is fundraising for the Beckley Farm Lodge long-term care facility by running five marathons in five days, in honour of her late mother.

Tracy Marshall is no stranger to running a marathon.

“I think this is going to be number two hundred and fourteen,” said Marshall, a recently retired school teacher who lives in Victoria.

CHEK News met up with Marshall this morning alongside her husband, Bryan Bell, who dropped her off along Menzies St., adjacent to the BC Legislature, at 7:45 a.m. Marshall takes a similar route as the Victoria marathon, only this particular journey is a little different as Marshall is attempting to run five marathons in five days.

“She mentioned this out loud like three weeks ago and suddenly it’s happening,” said Bell.

“Five seemed easier than seven,” quipped Marshall.

Her goal is a distance of more than 210 kilometres. She’s tackled similar running feats before, but this particular challenge takes on a very personal meaning.

“My mother was a resident at Beckley Farm Lodge and received great care there, she started to decline a lot back in January,” said Marshall.

“Because it was when her dementia was the most advanced, Tracy was so dependent on them to look after her. And then the pandemic came along and Tracy was no longer able to visit her very much,” said Bell.

Carol, Tracy’s mother, passed away in March with little contact with her daughter due to COVID-19 restrictions. Marshall says despite their distance during her mother’s final days, she felt comforted with the Beckley Farm Lodge staff going above and beyond in providing a safe and joyful environment for her mother.

“They just made me feel so confident in knowing my mom was getting the care, even though I wasn’t able to be with her,” said Marshall.

“Her mother was such a beautiful woman,” said Elizabeth Sly, a nurse who cared for Carol at Beckley Farm Lodge.

“She was very calm, very sweet, lovely, caring woman so it was just such a pleasure to care for her.”

Tracy’s hoping to raise $5,000 for Beckley Farm Lodge while also raising awareness on the importance of long-term care.

“We’re so proud of Tracy. It’s just very emotional actually, it was so wonderful to see her after all this time as well,” said Sly.

“It’s astonishing, I mean she always astonishes me,” said Bell.

With many more pavement pounding steps ahead, Marshall has all the motivation she needs in reaching the finish line.

“Failure isn’t in her vocabulary. She’s just one of the toughest people I’ve ever seen,” said Bell.

“I can do it. Look what they do everyday,” said Marshall in reference to the Beckley Farm Lodge staff.

“I can do this.”

To support Marshall’s marathon challenge for Beckley Farm Lodge, visit

Kevin CharachKevin Charach

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