CHEK Upside: Victoria sportswear brand rebrands in quest to become global leader

CHEK Upside: Victoria sportswear brand rebrands in quest to become global leader
WatchA local company that started selling athletic socks in Greater Victoria five years ago recently underwent a major rebrand in their pursuit of being a global leader. Cole Sorenson has more.

When Rob Fraser was looking for a new career path, he could never have imagined starting a sportswear juggernaut.

“The whole time has just been me avoiding getting a real job, so far so good,” says Fraser.

Fraser is a former professional mountain biker who travelled the world following his dream.

“What I call kind of my past life, I raced around the world representing the Canadian national team five years in a row downhill mountain bike racing,” says Fraser.

After his career began to wind down, Fraser was soon in search of an exit strategy. That’s when he noticed a gap in the marketplace for an often forgotten piece of clothing, socks.

“When looking at the sock category I felt it was left behind and I asked myself ‘where’s the yoga pants for the foot,'” says Fraser.

“So I wanted to combine technical innovation as well as expressive design into one performance canvas.”

Endur Apparel soon blossomed into one of North America’s most popular brands of sport socks. However, in the fall of last year, a problem emerged and due to external circumstances a name change was necessary.

“What we ultimately realized was that our brand is much more than any name that defines us, it’s the feeling that we have and leave in people’s mind,” says Fraser.

“It’s important to note that our team, our ownership, our product, everything we do and that you’ve come to know love and respect remains the same, we just have a new name.”

Now known as Outway, Fraser and his team are hopeful that their re-brand and hard work will propel them to the top.

“We’ve rebranded, we’ve grown our team, moved offices, there’s been a lot of things we’ve worked on in the last six months,” says Fraser.

“Our north star now is just to claim that number one spot as the best performance sock brand in the world.”

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Cole SorensonCole Sorenson

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