CHEK Upside: Random Acts of Kindness Day brings smiles to Vancouver Island seniors

CHEK Upside: Random Acts of Kindness Day brings smiles to Vancouver Island seniors
WatchThe Victoria Foundation's Random Acts of Kindness Day has been spreading smiles across Vancouver Island since 2015.

The Victoria Foundation’s Random Acts of Kindness Day has been spreading smiles across Vancouver Island since 2015.

“It’s a day set aside that we really celebrate people by acts of kindness, something that you can pay forward and last year at this time you could actually do physical things or be in close conversation with people, but this year it’s quite different,” says Victoria Foundation CEO Sandra Richardson.

Now in the midst of a pandemic, the initiative took on a whole new look. Instead of physically going out into the community, the Victoria Foundation decided to launch a colouring contest for kids 12 and under.

“We have a draw for that in that the draw is a free gift card from Bolen books, then also $100 that they can direct towards a charity of their choice and the result is all of these colouring sheets are then delivered into seniors homes,” says Richardson.

The colourful contest entries poured in, giving seniors across the island a much-needed pick-me-up.

“It was just a real delight to see the smiles on their faces and for them to know that their community cares about them and wants to bring them some joy in their day,” says Joanne Linka, Cridge Senior Services representative.

The winning submission was created by Vivian Krawitz. The Gordon Head resident chose to donate her $100 as well as the Bolen Books gift card to the Greater Victoria Women’s Shelter Society.

“I thought it’d be cool that a mom could get it and give it to their child as a present because then they could get some new things cause I already have plenty,” says Krawitz.

The project was an easy way to make people’s days.

“There’s nothing more enjoyable right now for seniors than to receive these little acts of kindness from young children,” says Richardson.

“It’s really nice if you put the work into it because just making someone’s day feels really good,” adds Krawitz.

To learn more about Random Acts of Kindness Day, visit the Victoria Foundation website.

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Cole SorensonCole Sorenson

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