CHEK Upside: Local author pens book honouring Island’s car culture

CHEK Upside: Local author pens book honouring Island's car culture

Sequestered in his Sooke garage Ted Forbes is fueling his passion for classic cars.

“I love cars and most people who have cars love cars or they wouldn’t have them,” says Forbes as he wrenches on a 1957 Chevy Bel Air.

Forbes has over 30 classic cars ranging from the early 1950s to the mid-1960s, and each one has a story.

“I got it off a back street in Portland Oregon years and years ago,” says Forbes pointing to one of his many classics.

“He’s a walking encyclopedia, he’ll show you every car he’s got, he’s very open,” says local author and automotive enthusiast Garry Foster.

“The details here are just absolutely remarkable and probably one of the best 50’s Fords collections in the country.”

Stories and collections like Forbes’ are what made Foster want to bring Vancouver Island’s love of cars to the forefront.

“I really wanted people to see how rich this part of the culture of Vancouver Island is because we have Deuce Days and there’s so many collectors here,” says Foster.

“You know the work they’ve done to restore these cars is huge work and a load of patience really.”

So Foster wrote a book entitled Chrome and Colour, which features automotive tales from around the island throughout its 200 pages, with all proceeds from the book going to support veterans suffering from PTSD.

“The Veterans Affairs in Canada have funded about two years ago for veterans suffering from PTSD the transcendental meditation program,” says Foster.

“I’m an old teacher of TM from way back and so we’ve been teaching veterans here and they’re absolutely loving it.”

It’s been an amazing experience for Foster and one that has only grown his love for cars and the stories behind each one.

“There’s a lot of history here and it’s fascinating if you get into it,” says Foster.

To purchase a copy of the book, visit Bolen Books or check out the Chrome and Colour Facebook page.

Cole SorensonCole Sorenson

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