CHEK Upside: Crofton man’s Muppet motorcycle helmets bringing smiles

CHEK Upside: Crofton man's Muppet motorcycle helmets bringing smiles
WatchScott Ferron began wearing fuzzy helmet coverings in Halifax five years ago before moving to the island and creating Helmet Head Canada.

If you’ve driven around Victoria you’ve probably seen him, but you might not have met the Muppet man.

“Riding around with this on, I mean you look around there’s people smiling and waving and it brightens my day, it brightens their day,” says Scott Ferron.

Ferron’s custom motorcycle helmet idea began on the other side of Canada in Halifax.

“It kind of started off as a bad idea, let’s get these weird looking fuzzy helmet heads that we saw online and a buddy brought them in,” says Ferron. “We started wearing them all the time, it just sort of became this fun thing we did.”

The fuzzy helmets followed Ferron to the island and exploded in popularity. As a result Ferron created the group Helmet Head Canada, which helps distribute the helmet covers and organizes charity rides.

“I started reaching out to other people, namely the hospitals, and [said] hey we have all these bikers, it seems to bring a smile to people’s faces, how about we do a toy run,” says Ferron.

“It grew exponentially and took on a whole life of its own.”

Bringing smiles is what the wacky helmets are all about.

“There’s lots of negative to look at so why not be positive,” says Ferron. “What better than to make a sick kid have a better day than ride up next to them while they’re on their way to whatever treatment they have to go through and make them smile about it.”

To learn more about upcoming rides and how to get involved, visit Helmet Head Canada’s Facebook page.

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Cole SorensonCole Sorenson

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