CHEK Upside: 1950’s-inspired fashionista lights up Victoria’s Cook Street Village

CHEK Upside: 1950's-inspired fashionista lights up Victoria's Cook Street Village
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She's a can't-miss character in Victoria's Cook Street Village. Mollie Kaye is known as the cheerful lady dressed in stylish outfits straight out of the 1950s.

She’s a can’t-miss character in Victoria’s Cook Street Village. Mollie Kaye is known as the cheerful lady dressed in stylish outfits straight out of the 1950s.

It all started a few years back when she used to sing in a 50s-era-inspired trio called The Millies.

“After the performance was done, sometimes I’d have an errand to run and instead of changing into my normal clothes I’d run an errand in this fabulous fifty’s outfit,” said Kaye.

People loved it, so Kaye kept hunting in thrift shops, finding vintage treasures and, once a week, decided to turn back the clock.

“Nothing fun ever happens on a Tuesday, so I will be the fun thing that happens on a Tuesday,” said Kaye, who calls her weekly routine Turned Out Tuesday.

It’s now her retro ritual that’s been going on for years, but not without some early hesitation.

“My resistance at first was like, I’m terrified to be noticed but I’m dying to be seen,” said Kaye.

Her need to be herself and connect with others helped her power through those initial insecurities.

CHEK News followed Kaye for approximately 30 minutes, and in that brief time we witnessed many joy-filled conversations. She even handed out vintage brooches to complete strangers — part of her ‘festoon your June’ theme for the month.

“It nourishes me so much and it seems to nourish them too,” said the small business consultant. “It seems like the simplest thing to do is to just be splendid.”

In today’s COVID world, she’s become a much-needed pandemic pick-me-up.

“Everybody’s viscerally understanding the importance of our social connections,” added Kaye.

So if you’re ever in Cook Street Village, keep your eyes peeled for the flashback fashionista determined to brighten your day.

“I want everybody to have this experience, so what I say is rock your style and share a smile.”

Kaye posts all her outfits to her Instagram page.

Click here to follow her on social media.

Kevin CharachKevin Charach

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