Candidates now sprinting as the provincial election campaign heads into the last week

Candidates now sprinting as the provincial election campaign heads into the last week

WATCH: The provincial campaign started weeks ago, but political insiders now say the race is “on”.

And all three provincial party leaders, and candidates, appear to be sprinting to the finish.

Mary Griffin reports.

The end of the campaign is in sight.

But for the party leaders, it’s go, go, go.

Liberal leader Christy Clark starts her day at Stemcell Technologies, as a backdrop to talk about jobs and the economy.

“Companies like Stemcell make it possible for us and British Columbia to attract the best and the brightest from all across the globe.

Because this is somewhere people want to be.”

With Green Party support threatening the NDP, John Horgan made a strong pitch for his party’s climate platform in a speech to .

“A BC NDP Government will implement the federally mandated fifty dollars a ton by 2022.”

And the pace doesn’t let up at the local level.

“My name is Kalem Harris.”

Most of the candidates running in Victoria Beacon Hill attending a discussion at Victoria’s Central Middle School, including NDP candidate Carole Taylor.

“I’m running because I grew up in this community.

I raised my kids in this community.

I live in this community, and I care deeply about it.”

Green Party candidate Kalem Harris focused on the environment.

“You, your parents, the planet, the animals.

Everyone needs to have representation.”

And Independent candidate Jordan Reichart’s message is one of animal protection.

“We need people who will stand up and educate us in a respectful and honest way.”

Dr. David Black says the short provincial election campaign translates into a fierce race.

“We are now just a week away from Election Day,” says Black.  “Emergent trends and patterns that might have been present are getting locked in.  The momentum of the race is translating into people actually voting at the advance polls.”

With Vancouver Island reporting three of B.C.’s busiest polling stations this weekend, it may indicate a tight race says Black.

“The Liberals and the NDP are, are essentially tied, allowing for a margin of error.  The Greens are slipping back, surprisingly.”

On April 25th, CBC’s Poll Tracker indicated the NDP with a healthy lead over the Liberals, and Green Party.

But today, in the space of a week, the numbers flip.

With the BC Liberals edging out the NDP, and Green Party support slipping.

That leaves just eight days of campaigning until election day.

Mary GriffinMary Griffin

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