Could British Columbia elect its first minority government in 65 years?

Could British Columbia elect its first minority government in 65 years?

WATCH: They are two words not heard in BC politics for 65 years: minority government.

According to a new Mainstreet/Postmedia poll, there is a possibility that the province could see a major shift on May 9th.

Mary Griffin explains.

“Are you doodling?”

There is an air of optimism at Green Party leader Andrew Weaver’s campaign headquarters.

“It’s a big day.

We’ve had a lot of success this week.”

The government announced today it’s banning high heels in the workplace following a motion put forward by Weaver in the legislature.

And a new poll from Mainstreet/Postmedia shows the Green Party gaining momentum.

Among decided and leaning voters, the NDP have 36 percent.

The governing Liberals 33.

But 19 percent support for the Greens.

“We’ve doubled our polling in Metro Vancouver.

And we’re 19 percent overall in the province.

And that’s historic levels.”

“These polls are suggesting that things are fluid.

One in four voters are undecided.

That’s a huge number.

And that’s up for grabs.

And if Andrew Weaver can tap into that, well, these are not fanciful dreams to talk about minority government.”

British Columbia’s last minority government was 65 years ago.
In 1952, WAC Bennett became premier, and held onto power for twenty years.

“Here in BC, if we saw a minority come out of the election, we are in a new area.
We are in new territory.
Certainly for provincial politics in anyone’s living memory.”

But election day is more than four weeks off.
And polls have a way of being wrong.

“We have received a mandate from the people of British Columbia.”

In 2013, Christy Clark pulled off what many predicated was impossible.

“We’re trending in the right direction.
And people are talking minority.
We’ll see what the voters decide in the end.”
But we are thrilled where we are right now.

For now, the Green Party is taking nothing for granted.

Mary GriffinMary Griffin

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