UPDATED WITH VIDEO: B.C. Green Party agrees to support B.C. NDP in minority legislature

UPDATED WITH VIDEO: B.C. Green Party agrees to support B.C. NDP in minority legislature

Andrew Weaver and John Horgan shake hands after announcing an agreement between the Green Party and NDP on May 29.

B.C. Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver has announced they have reached a deal with the B.C. NDP with the intention to form a minority government.

Weaver said the Green Party spent time with both the NDP and Liberals but in the end, had to make a decision that would be in the best interest of British Columbians.

“And that decision was for the B.C. Greens to work with the B.C. NDP to provide stable, minority government over the four-year term of this next session,” Weaver said during a press conference Monday.

Greens and NDP make announcement

The B.C. Green Party and the B.C. NDP are making a "significant announcement" regarding the provincial government.

Posted by CHEK News: Official Page on Monday, May 29, 2017

The deal between the two parties could dismantle Premier Christy Clark’s Liberal government as the Liberals failed to get a majority during the election. The Liberals ended up with 43 seats, while the NDP took 41 and the Greens three. This left the Green Party in the balance of power.

Since then, there were talks between the Greens and the NDP, as well as the Greens and the Liberals. If the Green MLAs vote with the NDP, it would ensure there are 44 votes to pass legislation in the legislature.

“I am very excited about the prospects of delivering for the people of British Columbia what they voted for on May 9th and that was change,? Horgan said.

“Sixty per cent of voters who cast votes voted for change and we are going to be able to give that change as a result of the agreement reached between the B.C. Green caucus and the B.C. NDP caucus.”

However, Clark is still premier until she resigns or goes through a confidence vote following a throne speech and a budget.

Clark released a statement Monday, saying the Liberals made “every effort to reach a governing agreement,” while standing by their core beliefs.

“It’s vitally important that British Columbians see the specific details of the agreement announced today by the BC NDP and Green Party leaders, which could have far-reaching consequences for our province’s future,” Clark said in the statement.

Clark added that she will be considering next steps and will have more to say Tuesday.

Earlier Monday, Clark posted a video on her Facebook page, saying she knows there’s a lot of uncertainty about who would form the government. 

“I also know that if we can come to an agreement with other parties in the legislature for four years of stability that it?s going to be not a deal with political parties, it?s a deal with you,? she said in the video,” Clark said.

“And I want to make sure that any agreement we come to reflects what you want because we want to make sure that we do things differently in British Columbia. A new deal not for politicians, not for the legislature, but a new deal for British Columbians.”

British Columbians sent a clear message in the election – they would like us to govern differently by reaching across party lines to get things done.We have a great opportunity to work together with the BC Green Party – to accomplish progressive things that help the middle class and still protect our record of being Canada’s strongest job creator and strongest fiscal managers.The talks that are taking place are very important for the future of our province. But I want to make it clear — this not about a deal between political parties… it’s about getting the best deal possible for British Columbians.

Posted by Christy Clark on Monday, May 29, 2017

Weaver and Horgan said they have reached a four-year Confidence and Supply Agreement to form the new government. It will be ratified by both party caucuses tomorrow before it is fully released.

“The agreement that has been reached between the Green caucus and the B.C. NDP caucus demonstrates that we have the majority support of members in the legislature and that will be up to the premier and the lieutenant-governor to discuss,” Horgan said.

Weaver said they are not looking to have another election soon.

“We are looking to show to British Columbians that minority governments can work and what better way to show that proportional representation could work then by showing that a minority government can and will work in the best interests of people throughout its session,” Weaver said.

Andrew Weaver and John Horgan at the B.C. legislature on May 29.

Alexa HuffmanAlexa Huffman

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