BC Green Party leader Andrew Weaver is happy with progress his party is making

BC Green Party leader Andrew Weaver is happy with progress his party is making

WATCH: After 16 months, Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver is happy with the progress his party is making in developing policy in B.C. As Mary Griffin reports, Weaver is only looking forward to what 2019 has to offer.

In a year end interview with B.C. Green Party leader Andrew Weaver, he talks about the plan to re-negotiate the agreement he signed with the NDP.  “When you look at our original confidence and supply agreement, what we said we were going to do, based on our shared values, was grounded in good faith and no surprises. The actual items, many have been done,” Weaver said.

After 16 months holding the balance of power, Andrew Weaver and his Green Party are ready to renegotiate their agreement with the NDP government.

“Moving forward, we have to reflect upon what we said we would do. What has been done.  And in essence, look forward to the next two years,” Weaver said.

Earlier in December, Premier John Horgan announced the Clean BC plan in Vancouver. “I’m very proud today to announce Clean BC. A plan that will lower greenhouse gas emissions, reduce climate pollution as we move our province and our economy to a low carbon future,” Horgan said.

The Clean BC plan for the province is a major shift in the B.C. economy, calling for a 40 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 over 2007 levels. That’s a plan Weaver takes credit for.

“I would suggest that Clean BC would not have happened without the Greens. I would suggest that if you look at our platform, that Clean BC, essentially articulates our vision for BC,” Weaver said. “This was our economic vision. Absolutely.”

As far as looking ahead to 2019, Weaver says the big story will continue to be the controversy that ended the fall session of the legislature. The Clerk of the Legislature, Craig James, and the Sergeant at Arms, Gary Lenz escorted out of the building, and suspended with pay. Their removal remains shrouded in mystery.

“We don’t know where it’s going to end. We know that people have a lot of questions. We know that there are police investigations,” Weaver said. “We know that there are special prosecutors. And as an MLA, and I and my colleagues, are looking forward to seeing that come to an end.”

While the weather may be stormy, Weaver is predicting smooth sailing for the Green Party of BC in 2019.

Mary GriffinMary Griffin

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