Bald eagle steals fish off boat in popular online video taken near Kyuquot

Bald eagle steals fish off boat in popular online video taken near Kyuquot

A bald eagle steals some salmon bait off of a fishing boat near Kyuquot on June 16.

A bald eagle is grabbing the Internet’s attention after it was captured on camera stealing salmon from a boat in Kyuquot. 

The video shows a bald eagle swooping down near the rear of the boat, grabbing the salmon and flying away. 

The moment was caught by B.C. resident Ashton Phillips and posted in slow motion on Facebook last Friday. Phillips was fishing for halibut at Rugged Point Lodge in Kyuquot, located on Kyuquot Sound in northwestern Vancouver Island. 

“The Crab Park Chowdery rest and relaxation trip was given a magical moment to treasure. WOW! Just WOW! Click on the HD button. Also share and like! Let’s get this amazing bird out there for the world to see!” Phillips wrote in the caption. 

Phillips said the salmon had been caught earlier in the day in a different area. After hitting their limit, they had moved on to try and catch some halibut and were using fresh salmon as bait. 

“As we were sitting in the bay, my cousin and I saw this eagle flying around near the shoreline,” Phillips said.out of nowhere the

“Out of nowhere, the eagle just did a 90-degree angle to the boat from the land.”

Phillips said his cousin told him to put the slow motion setting on. 

“I just got really, really lucky,” Phillips said.

“It was just crazy to see it coming straight at the boat.”

The eagle flew back to the shoreline. 


“It all happened within a five-second time frame,” Phillips said.

“It was too quick to try and react.”

The video now has over 900,000 views and 3,700 likes. It has been shared more than 2,000 times.

It was once in a lifetime,” Phillips said.

“I don’t think I’ll ever have that happen again.”


Alexa HuffmanAlexa Huffman

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