B.C. minister receives standing ovation after announcing she is cancer free

B.C. minister receives standing ovation after announcing she is cancer free
BC Legislature/YouTube
Selina Robinson is pictured.

B.C.’s minister of post-secondary education and future skills received a standing ovation in the legislature on Wednesday after she announced she was recently cancer free.

“Mr. Speaker, I thought I would just share with the chamber, I just spoke with my oncologist that my tumour has disappeared,” said Selina Robinson.

Her announcement marks the end of her second bout with cancer.

In 2006, the MLA for Coquitlam-Maillardville was diagnosed with a rare form of intestinal cancer.

She announced in January of this year that her cancer had returned.

On Wednesday, however, she said she was cancer free after going through treatment.

“It’s great when your oncologist calls you and says my name and says, ‘I can’t see the tumor, it has been disappeared,’” she said.

“And so [I’m] most grateful to the modern technologies that we have and to everybody that contributed.”

She encouraged all members of the legislature to take part in the Ride to Conquer Cancer fundraiser if they’re interested, adding that the funding helps further research into cancer treatments.

Through the annual cycling fundraiser, Robinson has raised more than $500,000 for cancer research alongside her husband and cycling team, “Way Hey! Hey!”

With files from the Canadian Press

Adam ChanAdam Chan

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