A week in photos from CHEK viewers across Vancouver Island – May 1, 2020

A week in photos from CHEK viewers across Vancouver Island – May 1, 2020
Christian Roy
Here is a collection of photos sent in from our own CHEK viewers, showing that the new normal won't hold us back.

While British Columbians eagerly await the provincial government’s plan to reopen the economy, the majority of Vancouver Islanders are still embracing their new normal – a social-distanced and isolated lifestyle – and sending us photos to prove it.

Whether it be creating art, sending messages of hope, holding socially-distanced birthday parties or having fun with their pets, it seems plenty that live here on The Rock are making the best of this seemingly difficult situation.

If you need a pick-me, some positivity or are simply looking for some inspiration for your next activity, here is a collection of photos sent in from our own CHEK viewers, showing that the new normal won’t hold us back.

Celebrating 70 years – Miguel Espinosa

Antonio Espinosa (99yrs old) and Margarita (96yrs old) celebrated their 70th anniversary this past week. They live in a care facility so visiting is restricted during the current pandemic, however, that didn’t stop their family from finding a way to acceptably celebrate the milestone moment.

A moment for a joke – Kelsea McLaughlin

A creative new positive project was spotted in Saanich, with a simple goal. 6-year-old Callaghan McLaughlin was offering passer-bys a joke to brighten their day and make people laugh! Keep your eyes out if you are ever on Penrhyn St in the future.

Quarantine creation – Mike Saine

Many people have been crafty during quarantine as they’ve had ample time to work on new projects. Created up in Nanaimo, this tiki was said to be built “to ward off the virus…and if that doesn’t work, it will cook a great hot dog.”

Dino encounter – Carmel Walsh

While out for a stroll in Duncan, Duff the labrador stumbled upon this rare ‘creature’ that wasn’t commonly seen out and about before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Whatever floats your boat – Peter Gladstone

Another person flexing their crafting muscles. Up in Sidney, Peter has built this American seine boat out of 99.9% copper.

You can never be too careful – Cindy Cotton

While some people are choosing to don a dinosaur costume when taking to the streets, others are opting for a different method.

Introducing the S.S. Social Distance – Bob Cole

The term ‘social distance’ has burst onto the scene in 2020 and is now fully cemented in our daily vocabulary. A boat owner has gone one step further, really taking the term to heart and re-naming their watercraft the ‘Social Distance.’ It is currently moored at the Harbour Quay Marina in Port Alberni.

Special delivery – Dan Connors

Just because you are in isolation doesn’t mean there isn’t a way to deliver homemade cookies to your grandson!

Homage to Dr. Bonnie Henry – BG Bryden

This decorated tree trunk was spotted on Oswego Street in James Bay. If you look closely among the pebbles, you’ll spot a familiar saying from BC’s provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry. “Be calm. Be kind. Stay safe.”

A growing appreciation for safety – Christina Amarilli

Just in case you were worried about any topiary creatures during the COVID-19 pandemic, have no fear. This duck isn’t taking any chances, choosing to don a protective mask. The heart on its neck is an added salute for front line workers.

Birthdays can still be fun – Christian Roy

Friends and family might be restricted from gathering these days, but that didn’t stop these masked teddies from celebrating Maybel’s second birthday.

Statutory Safety Measures – Wendy O’Dwyer

It might not be growing like the topiary duck, but this Sidney statue is still doing its part.

Twin surprise – Sandy McClary

These two twins surprised their 88-year old mother on her birthday, horses and all.

A small thank you –Ashley Olfrey

No. Words. Needed.

And then there were none

The specially created ‘Rock For Relief’ concert t-shirts sold out this week. Over 2,500 shirts were purchased with all proceeds going towards the Rapid Relief Fund and Island Response Fund. The total funds raised from the relief initiative crossed the $700,000 mark.

If you have any photos of how you are spending your time, send them in to [email protected] for a chance to be featured.

READ MORE: A week in photos from CHEK viewers on April 24, 2020

Graham CoxGraham Cox

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