21-year-old driver fined by Victoria police chief after flicking lit cigarette out window

21-year-old driver fined by Victoria police chief after flicking lit cigarette out window

With temperatures on the rise, and the wildfire danger growing, a 21-year-old driver in Saanich was quickly pulled over for flicking a lit cigarette out his car.

What he probably didn’t expect was Victoria’s top cop to come to his window.

Chief Del Manak was behind the young driver on the highway when it all unfolded, and pulled him over on Quadra Street in Saanich.

“I could see [smoke] roll up in the air and it land right in front of my vehicle,” said Manak.

He was fined $575 fine for violating the Wildfire Act.

Manak says it’s something he can’t stand seeing.

“I was disgusted by it, I don’t have anytime for people who carry on with this behavior because its dangerous,” he said.

It’s not the first time Manak has handed out a ticket for the offence.

Back in September another driver threw their lit cigarette out their window, and was fined.

READ MORE: Victoria’s police chief issues ticket after driver flicks lit cigarette out window

The Saanich fire Department says the incident should serve as a warning to everyone.

“People need to wake up. Depending on conditions if a cigarette is thrown on the highway it can be blown onto a boulevard with dry grass, if it is windy it can be whipped up by the cars, or just the environmental conditions. It can start [a wildfire] in a second,” said Dan Wood, Deputy Chief of Operations for the Saanich Fire Department

There are options for those who do choose to smoke while driving. Many stores have ash trays for purchase, that can fit in a cup holder.

There are even small pouches for your pocket, where you can put your used cigarette in until you can find a safe disposal option.

“It’s a lot cheaper then a ticket for throwing a butt out of your car,” said Wendy Mccluske, a Great Canadian Dollar Store cashier.

As for the driver, Manak says he was pretty clueless about why he was pulled over,  and said he threw it because he didn’t want to burn his car.

“I don’t think he maliciously did it or… on purpose. I just don’t think he was paying attention or thinking,” added Manak.

With warmer temperatures on the way, officials hope everyone will take extra precautions.
Julian KolsutJulian Kolsut

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