‘You don’t need a cab, you need an ambulance’: Nanaimo cabbie helps deliver baby

'You don't need a cab, you need an ambulance': Nanaimo cabbie helps deliver baby

Ron has been driving a cab for 10 years, but what happened last week in Nanaimo is the last thing he ever expected to do on the job.

“I picked this couple up with their small little boy they had and it was normal. They had a little baby seat and I was like, ‘Oh, you got baby stuff,’ and ‘Oh, she’s preggo,'” said Ron.

“And they’re like, ‘Yeah, we’re going to the hospital,’ and she was fine at first.”

But within a few minutes, everything changes fast when the woman starts having her baby in the cab.

“Immediately and she’s freaking out, and he’s like, ‘Step on it, just step on it,’ and I’m just like, ‘No, you don’t need a cab, you need an ambulance,” said Ron.

As the father tries to flag down help, Ron calls 911 and opens the back door, and a baby is being born in front of his eyes.

“I’m talking to her, and that’s when they said, ‘Is she breathing? Is she awake?'” he said.

“…and they’re like, ‘How are the contractions?’ And I look down and I see the head coming out.”

He follows the instructions from 911 dispatchers until paramedics arrive. He then starts recording this video, and you can hear him praying with the woman for her baby’s safety.

“Guard her baby with the Holy Spirit Lord in Jesus’ name,” Ron says in the video.

Then you can hear the sweet sound of life as the newborn child breathes.

“‘Oh, there’s the baby, it’s OK. Oh, beautiful baby.'”

“I sat there in the driver’s side and held her hand and prayed with her to Jesus and God because she was afraid she was going to lose her baby,” said Ron.

And when things settle down, one of the first people Ron tells is his daughter.

“You probably never think your dad’s going to go to work and deliver a baby, right? Yeah,” added Ron’s daughter.

“Well, a lot of weird stuff happens. But that’s a first, right? Yeah.”

Ron says he hasn’t heard from the couple since then, but as of Tuesday night, the baby, mom and father are reportedly doing fine.

Dean StoltzDean Stoltz

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