Woman sexually assaulted after intruder breaks into her home in Colwood

Woman sexually assaulted after intruder breaks into her home in Colwood
WatchRCMP describe it as an unusual, serious crime. A woman sexually assaulted in her Colwood home Wednesday by an intruder. As Mary Griffin reports, the incident took place in broad daylight in a quiet neighbourhood.

Near the intersection of Metchosin Road and Sooke Road is a quiet neighbourhood in Colwood.

But on Wednesday afternoon, police say a suspect broke into a home in the area then sexually assaulted a female resident.

West Shore RCMP Const. Nancy Saggar said the detachment’s Major Crimes Unit is leading the investigation.

“This is very concerning, this is a very serious crime.  It’s also unusual.  We don’t have any similar reports of this nature. So, our investigators, our major crime unit is actually leading this investigation and is focusing on it,” Saggar said.

Neighbours report seeing RCMP vehicles driving on the street just after two in the afternoon, unusual for this neighbourhood. Officers canvassed nearby homes and deployed the dog team.

“What I can tell you is we’re had contact with the victim who is fully co-operative by the way.  I can’t speak to why we don’t have a description because that would jeopardize the integrity of the investigation by providing too many details which are inappropriate at this time,” Saggar said.

Linda Bollinger found out about the incident while walking her dog. She lives near the victim’s home and is concerned that such a serious crime occurred so close to her home.

“I’m just reading it, so absolutely.  When I was talking to my friend, I said you just don’t hear that stuff here. you just don’t,” Bollinger said.

Another neighbour, Judy Tethong, said after living on the same street for more than 50 years, she can’t believe what happened.

“It’s a lovely young neighbourhood. this is where our kids grew up. I’m terrified, horrified to hear that,” Tethong said.

The victim did go to the hospital but was released Wednesday. West Shore RCMP won’t comment on the extent of her injuries or if anything was taken during the break in. But they are asking anyone who may have seen anything suspicious to contact them.

Mary GriffinMary Griffin

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