Witnesses were terrified to incriminate Devils Army boss when giving evidence, jury hears

Witnesses were terrified to incriminate Devils Army boss when giving evidence, jury hears

The murder trial against the Devils Army boss continued today in Victoria.

Richard Alexander is charged with the first-degree murder of John Dillon Brown, whose body was found in the trunk of his own car near Sayward in 2016.

The agreed statement of facts handed out to the 12-person jury stated that Alexander deleted all text messages between himself and Brown from his phone, following discussions the two had around a civil lawsuit Brown had filed in the wake of a fight between Hells Angels members and a Devils Army member.

The fight left Brown injured and suing The Voodoo Bar where the incident had taken place.

Brown’s girlfriend Nicole Herman told the 12-person jury Wednesday that Brown had gone to the Devils Army clubhouse the day he died to receive what he thought was a settlement for dropping the lawsuit.

Prior to this trial, witnesses say they were too afraid to speak up fearing retribution from the gang.

It took Brown’s girlfriend five years to muster the courage to reveal to police who her boyfriend went to meet the day he went missing.

She says that man was Richard Alexander, the president of the Devils Army Motorcycle Club in Campbell River.

Crown lawyers allege Alexander shot Brown in the back of the head at the Devils Army clubhouse, then drove Brown’s body in the trunk of Brown’s car to Sayward, where he abandoned it on March 11, 2016.

Alexander is pleading not guilty.

Brown was found with a garbage bag on his head. His keys, later found in the Sayward River. Brown’s DNA was found by forensic investigators in the Devils Army clubhouse in multiple locations.

His girlfriend Herman has previously testified that Brown was not a Devils Army member or knew any members.

Brown’s sister-in-law testified Brown “had reason to…really dislike bikers”.

The trial continues Tuesday for an additional three weeks.

Kori SidawayKori Sidaway

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