Why many on Vancouver Island are going all out this Halloween

Why many on Vancouver Island are going all out this Halloween
WatchAs Halloween nears, many people are sorting out what costumes to wear and deciding whether to go trick or treating during the pandemic. Some on Vancouver Island are transforming their yards.

Jaye Foster can hardly wait for her big performance on Halloween night in Nanaimo.

On Tuesday, the Nanaimo woman was putting the finishing touches on her haunted house where she will shine, with her cape and signature cackle, in a role she has been perfecting for years.

“Four sleeps to go, are you kidding me,” Jaye Foster said excitedly.

The Nanaimo grandmother has transformed herself into a witch for Halloween for as long she can remember. She leans on her early dream of becoming an actress and her theatre school training. Life sidetracked those plans so she lives out her Halloween role to its fullest.

“I like the fact that people can dress up and be something that they’ve never been,” said Foster.

On Timberlands Road, near Ladysmith, Shandra Huard has transformed her family’s yard into a creepy kitchen and graveyard. Their annual haunted house tour isn’t happening due to COVID-19, but Huard said it was still important that they put up a display.

“It’s not a holiday, it’s a lifestyle. You ask anybody who is in the home decorating” said Huard.

It’s a spirit that appears to be catching on.

Vanessa Haentjens said her neighbourhood in downtown Nanaimo is more decked out this Halloween than ever before.

“A lot of houses this year are decorating,” said Vanessa Haentjens.

“Especially on our block it seems to be a theme for sure.”

Skye RyanSkye Ryan

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