Wayward barge near Central Saanich returned to rightful place by tugs

Wayward barge near Central Saanich returned to rightful place by tugs
A pair of tugboats returned the barge to its rightful mooring on Jan. 5, 2024.

A barge that broke free of its mooring and ran aground in the waters off Central Saanich on Thursday has been returned to its rightful place.

A pair of tugs moved the barge Friday morning around 10:30 a.m. to the mooring in Saanichton Bay.

READ PREVIOUS: No marine pollution detected after barge runs aground in Central Saanich

The barge, called Makoa, is used for hauling wood chips. It broke free of the mooring and ran aground in Bazan Bay on Jan. 4 after narrowly missing the dock on James Island Wharf.

The Coast Guard dispatched a crew and issued a warning to mariners.

No fuel spilled, no one was injured and there was no apparent damage to the barge.

Laura BroughamLaura Brougham

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