Water main leak repairs may cause low water pressure along Saanich Peninsula

Water main leak repairs may cause low water pressure along Saanich Peninsula

The Capital Regional District is warning residents of low water pressure along the Saanich Peninsula as crews repair a leak along a major water main.

The CRD says the water main leak is located on McTavish Road near East Saanich Road and is part of the primary transmission main that serves the peninsula.

The repairs are expected to take “several days,” and the CRD says it will provide an update when repairs are complete.

During this time, water pressure may be reduced for people who live in Sidney, North Saanich, the Tseycum First Nation (W̱SIḴEM) and the Pauquachin First Nation (BOḰEĆEN).

Water for people in these communities will be coming from the water stored at the McTavish, Dean Park, and Cloake Hill reservoirs while repairs are underway.

In the meantime, residents are asked to reduce their water usage over the next few days until repairs are complete.

“Every effort will be made to minimize the impacts during the repair,” said the CRD in an announcement Thursday.

SEE ALSO: City of Duncan says it’s not responsible for water main break damages

Adam ChanAdam Chan

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