Vital People: HeroWork radical renovations total almost $7 million

Vital People: HeroWork radical renovations total almost $7 million

The latest radical renovation by HeroWork has transformed the Indigenous Perspectives Society into an amazing new space.

“We broke ground on October 1 and it’s taken almost 5,000 hours of community service from the general public, that’s 450 plus volunteers that have given their time,” explains HeroWork Victoria general manager Trevor Botkin.

The Indigenous Perspectives Society wanted something more reflective of who they are, and they got it.

” It’s unrecognizable,” says Rachelle Dallaire, the executive director Indigenous Perspectives Society. “It’s absolutely remarkable! It’s beautiful! The cedar in its raw form is probably one of my most favourite parts.”

It’s the fifteenth reno HeroWork’s done for a Greater Victoria non-profit, and all the hard work over the years is worth close to $7 million.

“We’ve had thousands of volunteers and hundreds of sponsors take part in these events that have transformed charities across our fair city,” says HeroWork Founder Paul Latour.

Paul was inspired to start HeroWork after a friend with MS needed help and he got some friends together to pitch in.

READ MORE: HeroWork volunteers transform Saanich golf course for a good cause

That whirlwind reno also transformed Paul, who decided to organize other projects giving back to the community.

“It was really the result and the connection with all the people that participated that just inspired me to change my life and go down this other road,” Paul says.

“HeroWork makes a huge difference in our community,” adds Trevor. “Seeing it is believing it.”

For Trevor, a carpenter who started as a HeroWork volunteer five years ago, it’s about building a stronger community.

“It’s an amazing privilege to have the opportunity to work on these projects with the HeroWork team and the thousand of volunteers who come out for us,” Trevor says.

And now, HeroWork is looking to expand on all this success.

“Our big vision for HeroWork is to take this home-grown Victoria program and do our best to replicate it across other communities across the country,” Paul says.

READ MORE: New ‘food rescue kitchen’ unveiled by HeroWork for The Mustard Seed

Tess van StraatenTess van Straaten

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