Victoria mom makes young son’s wish come true on Mother’s Day

Victoria mom makes young son's wish come true on Mother's Day

A chance encounter with an old Japanese fire truck in downtown Victoria is how this simple Mother’s Day story begins.

Emily Craig and her husband Wes were walking around Broughton Street by the Royal Theatre on Saturday night when they spotted a Japanese fire truck that looked exactly like their son’s Tomica toy.

“Our son is really into Japanese fire trucks, so we got really excited,” said Emily.

“We ran home and we wrote a note because we wanted to leave it on the windshield of the fire truck, hoping that we can get in touch with the owner and have the opportunity to show our two-year-old son the truck,” said Craig.

By the time they got back, the truck was gone.

“I couldn’t give up, so I decided to post on Reddit the picture of the fire truck to see if anyone knew of the owner, and then very kindly someone contacted me and gave me some intel on where I can find it,” added Craig.

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‘A great story’

The fire truck owners, who live around Cloverdale and Calumet avenues, are surprised by the attention their truck has received.

Will Krzymowski tells CHEK, “It’s a great story – it was just wonderful to see a mom and her love for her child just seeking something out and, you know, putting it all together.”

His wife, Sarah, says it’s the sweetest thing that’s ever happened to them since getting the fire truck.

“It’s pretty remarkable. One, it speaks to the connectivity of people. But reading the post, I looked it up, and it was so clear how much this mom wanted to delight her child, and I think that’s just a heartwarming experience,” she added.

On a day when mothers are supposed to receive a gift from family, Emily got hers from strangers.

Harry CorroHarry Corro

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