Victoria man who uses wheelchair says he was pushed over, broke leg

Victoria man who uses wheelchair says he was pushed over, broke leg

WATCH: A Victoria man who uses a wheelchair says he broke his leg after someone pushed him over at a bus stop.

A Victoria man who uses a wheelchair says he broke his leg after someone pushed him over at a bus stop.

Jim Marshall, 65, has multiple sclerosis and lives at the care home at Gorge Road Hospital.

The incident happened on Sunday afternoon.

He says he was waiting for a bus on Douglas St when a man kept blocking him.

Eventually, he moved forward and accidentally caught the man’s foot on his wheelchair’s footrest.

“[He] gave me a few foul words and then… after that, I just got thrown on the ground,” he said.

Several people came to his aid, including a woman named Vivian.

“[Vivian] got talking to me about how absurd that event was and I think it was she who phoned the police,” he said.

Initially, he went back to the care home, but after a staff member noticed how swollen his knee was, he was taken to hospital.

It was there that Marshall was told he had a broken femur.

He says he will have to spend at least the next couple days inside.

He’s extending his gratitude to the Good Samaritans who came to his aid.

“I would like to thank Vivian, in particular, very, very much for what she did to assist me.”

Victoria police is asking anyone who was in the area of Douglas and Yates streets between 1:45 p.m. and 3:15 p.m. on Jan. 13 and witnessed the assault, or has information to identify the suspect, to call VicPD at 250-995-7654.


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