Victoria Conservatory of Music opens state-of-the-art music technology lab

Victoria Conservatory of Music opens state-of-the-art music technology lab

WATCH: Classical music is getting a digital spin at the Victoria Conservatory of Music’s new music technology lab. Ceilidh Millar reports. 

Classical music has gone digital at the Victoria Conservatory of Music.

“This software has democratized music making in a way that has been a revolution,” said instructor Wynn Gogol. “Even somebody with a basic computer now at home has access to some tools that were only available in a professional recording studio.”

The conservatory will soon be opening a state-of-the-art music technology lab, thanks to a generous donation from a Victoria-based musician.

In the lead-up to the launch, the conservatory is offering six introductory workshops at no cost to Victoria-area students.

Jane Bultler McGregor, CEO of the Victoria Conservatory of Music, says the courses will help students discover the possibilities in the marriage of music and tech.

“It actually gives students a greater opportunity to start composing, playing and creating music better than they have before,” said Bultler McGregor.

The workshops include lessons on digital music writing to using virtual instruments.

“I think it’s really good for ideas because I can just play something and listen back to it,” said participant Ben Collins. “I know right away if it’s any good and I can use that for songwriting.”

“I love that it’s available for free,” said participant David McKinney. “I think that’s a great benefit for students around Victoria and stuff if you’re interested in music.”

Students will work on state-of-the-art computer workstations and audio equipment.

Workshops will be held weekly on Saturdays from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. at 900 Johnson Street.

To sign up for a workshop, visit the Victoria Conservatory of Music’s website. 

Ceilidh MillarCeilidh Millar

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