Vancouver Island’s second certified net-zero home built in Courtenay

Vancouver Island’s second certified net-zero home built in Courtenay
WatchA family was looking to build an energy efficient home but with the help of local builder Jim Zsiros, they ended up with the island's second net-zero self-sustainable home.

The 1,475 square foot home in a rural part of Courtenay has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a modern west coast look.

However, the magic of the house sits in the yard beside it, a large bank of solar panels providing the home with all the power it needs.

“The solar panels generate more power than the house uses,” said builder Jim Zsiros.

Solar panels are getting more affordable all the time and the bank of 9 kW solar panels cost $27,000.

It, along with energy efficient appliances, a high-efficiency heat pump and better-insulated walls all contribute to the home being a net-zero home certified by the Canadian Home Builders Association.

Jim Zsiros says if the customer doesn’t have the roughly $30,000 for the solar panel system he can build a net-zero ready home and then add the solar panels later.

The province wants all new builds in BC to be at least net-zero ready by 2032.

This house cost the owners just under $400,000 to build on land they already owned.

Prices for fancier net-zero homes can run into the millions.

“Not saying that we won’t build them for clients but this was more to see what target we could get a net-zero house in the market place and I’m pretty happy what we came out with,” said Zsiros.

In eight years, the new homeowners expect to have saved enough to have completely covered the costs of the solar panel system.

Dean StoltzDean Stoltz

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