Vancouver Island gears up for royal wedding celebrations

Vancouver Island gears up for royal wedding celebrations

WATCH: Another royal wedding is almost upon us! Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are tying the knot this weekend – and in true Victoria fashion – the city is celebrating. Kori Sidaway has more.

With a royal wedding right around the corner, there’s still some last minute heavy lifting to do.

Crowds are already gathering in the United Kingdom for a glimpse of the soon-to-be-married Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

“We can always expect a big show,” says local Monarchist League member Bruce Hallsor.

“Because this is a royal occasion, there will be uniforms, pomp and circumstance, trumpets and colour. Nobody does a show like a royal family does,” adds Hallsor.

And the excitement is being felt right here on Vancouver Island.

At Roberta’s Hats in Victoria, fascinators and top hats have been flying off the shelves ahead of the big day.

“As you get your hat confidence up, you can try more elaborate, fancier, dressier hats. But, you never want to outshine the bride,” says Roberta Glennon, owner of Roberta’s hats.

And hats aren’t the only thing being exported. The province is now picking up the British tradition of betting on anything connected to royalty.

The British Columbia Lottery Corporation is taking bets on everything from honeymoon destinations to what the queen will wear.

“The queen generally favours upturned brims and a-symmetrical crowns so I’m sure we’ll probably see her in something like that,” says Glennon.

“She does look great in blue so I wouldn’t be surprised. I’ve heard yellow too, but I think blue is a safer bet.”


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